[作文号:2796223] Essay on Intercultural Communication (Final)(2022-12-20)
要求:Directions: Select one topic from the following and write an essay ranging  from 300 to 500 words.1. Please introduce the local culture of your hometown. 1) Introduce the local culture briefly.2) Analyze your local culture according to the intercultural communication theories learned in this semester.3) Based on your analysis, try to propose some suggestions to people (home and/or abroad) who plan to visit your hometown --- from an intercultural communication competence perspective. 2.  Please illustrate how you've improved your intercultual communication competence, by providing one example (or case), from learning this course of Intercultural Communication. 1) Introduce the example (or case)2) Analyze it based on the intercultural communication theories learned in this semester. Notes: 1) In both topics, you should make an analysis with the knowledge you have learned. 2) The intertural communication theories covered in this semester should be made use of.
[作文号:2710499] Writing Three (Fall semester, 2022-2023)(2022-09-25)
要求:Directions: Francis Bacon once had it in his Of Studies that "Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability." While our respected Premier Zhou Enlai asserted that "We study FOR THE RISE OF CHINA." What about you? Please write an essay of CAUSE-AND-EFFECT explaining "Why do YOU study?" 1)You should write at least 200 words but no more than 300 words. 2)Please develop a cause-and-effect essay (as we learned/shall learn in Unit 4 in NHCE Book 3).  *Note: You MUST have a proper TITLE for your essay. WRITING 3 is NOT a title!请一定给文章拟定一个题目,不要以writing 3(或第2710499号作文)为题。(写作思路指导:请撰写一篇因果关系说明文,解释你为什么学习/读书。)
[作文号:2710498] Writing Two (Fall semester, 2022-2023)(2022-09-25)
要求:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay describing your most impressive life experience in Tianjin university. 1)  Try to illustrate why it is so impresseive. 2)  You are also to explain how you benefit from that experience. You should describe your story in detail (as we learned/shall learn in Units 2-4 in NHCE Book 3)  in the form of a narrative essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 300 words. *Note: You MUST have a proper TITLE for your essay. WRITING 2 is NOT a title!请一定给文章拟定一个题目,不要以writing 2 为题。(写作思路指导:请撰写一篇叙事文,讲述个人经历及本人收获。)
[作文号:2710496] @Writing One (Fall semester, 2022-2023)(2022-09-25)
要求:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying“Nothing can preclude a willing heart from achieving success. ” Please give examples to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 300 words. Note: You MUST have a PROPER TITLE for your essay. *** WRITING 1 is NOT a title!请给文章拟定一个题目,切记不要以writing 1作为你的作文题目。
[作文号:2590745] Writing Three (Spring semester, 2021-2022)(2022-03-13)
要求:Directions: In this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write on ONE of the following topics(preferably No.1), in no less than 180 words.  Please use the comparison/contrast writing style. Your can use the point-by-point or subject-by-subject pattern. Also remember to apply some structure words for comparison and contrast to make your composition coherent. You can refer to P. 71& P. 127 (of NHCE Book 2) for more hints. Have a PROPER TITLE  for your composition.  (1) Foreign teacher VS. Chinese teacher on (Spoken) English teaching. You've been exposed to a foreign teacher on Spoken English teaching and a Chinese teacher on English Reading and Writing teaching this semester (maybe one Chinese teacher on both Spoken English teaching and English Reading and Wrting teaching last semester ). Compare/contrast the foreign teacher with one of the two Chinese teachers(ideally both the foreign teacher and the Chinese teacher teach speaking class). You can have three aspects (or more) to compare/contrast according to your observation. (2) Rewrite the passage "Journey through the odyssey years" in your own words, comparing /contrasting young people now and then.  (3) Traditional ways of life are often changed by modern technology. Using one or two examples of such changes, compare the new ways with the old. Which way of life do you like better? Why?(4) Compare/Contrast your understanding of university life when your were in high school with the university life you're experiencing now OR High school VS. College. 
[作文号:2590605] Writing Two (Spring semester, 2021-2022)(2022-03-13)
要求:Directions: You are to write a composition of no less than 150 words but no more than 200 words in 30 minutes based one on ONE of the following two topics. Please have a PROPER TITLE  for your composition. 1. Communication with parents    You can write according to the following outline:     1) 随着年龄的增长,年轻人开始有自己独立的思想和行为方式    2)但是,年轻人与父母的沟通是必要的    3)你觉得怎样才能有效地跟父母沟通2. Love on campus    You can write according to the following outline:     1)高校大学生恋爱已成为一种普遍现象    2)对于这一现象有人支持,有人反对    3)作为大学生,我的看法
[作文号:2590602] Writing One (Spring semester, 2021-2022)(2022-03-13)
要求:Directions: You are to write a composition of no less than 150 words but no more than 200 words in 30 minutes based one on ONE of the following topics. Please have a PROPER TITLE  for your composition. Notes: You can apply the writing technique of Narrative Interpsersed with Comments. (For detail of this technique, please refer to Text A on NHCE Book 2.)1. English study in college/university    Please write according to the following outline:     1) 英语学习的重要性    2)我的英语学习状况/经历    3)对英语学习的建议 2. Some people think studying in university is the best way for students to prepare for their future careers. Others, however, believe the students should leave school as early as possible and develop their careers through work expereience. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 
[作文号:2590589] Writing One (Spring semester, 2021-2022)(2022-03-13)
要求:Directions: You are to write a composition of no less than 150 words but no more than 200 words in 30 minutes based one on ONE of the following topics. Please have a PROPER TITLE  for your composition. Your are to apply the writing technique of Narrative Interpsersed with Comments. (For detail of this technique, please refer to Text A on NHCE Book 2.)1. English study in college/university    You can write according to the following outline     1) 英语学习的重要性    2)我的英语学习状况/经历    3)对英语学习的建议 2. What is true love? 3. Where does happiness come from? 
[作文号:2540169] Writing Three (Fall semester, 2021-2022)(2021-11-28)
要求:Directions: You are to write on ONE of the following topics. Have a PROPER TITLE  for your composition. Your are to write in the pattern of Question-Example-Conclusion. (For detail of this pattern, please refer to p.102 on NHCE Book 1.)1. Who are the heroes of our time? 2. What is true love? 3. Where does happiness come from? 
[作文号:2517589] Writing Two (Fall semester, 2021-2022)(2021-11-10)
要求:Directions: You are to write on ONE of the following three topics. Have a PROPER TITLE  for your composition. Your are to write in the pattern of cause and effect因果关系. (For detail of this pattern, please refer to P.71 on NHCE Book 1.)1. Nowadays electronic devices (e.g. laptops, smart phones, tablets平板电脑, etc.) are playing an increasingly important role in people's daily life. Some people are even addicted to them. What do you think are the possible causes of this phenomenon? 2. The internet, being timeless, informative and interactive, has brought considerable influences to college students. Try to analyze the effects of the Internet on college students, and make some suggestions on how to make the most of the Internet. 3. Peer pressure is the phenomenon wherein people tend to get influenced by the lifestyles and the ways of thinking of their peers. Peer pressure is like a double-edged sword. Beneficial though, it is also observed to have negative effects. Write on the positive and/or negative effects of peer pressure in college. 
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